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Poule Olive Egger F1
Properties listed in olive egger.

Poule olive egger f1. Beautiful colorful fertile hatching eggs from an npip certifed pullorum typhoid free flock in xenia ohio. Crossing a blue egg layer and dark egg layer results in a first generation olive egger also known as an f1 olive egger. If you are interested in breeding for darker olive eggs it gets even more exciting.
Generally it is made from crossing a real dark brown egg shell layer with a real true blue egg shell layer. As of july 14 2019 we are now offering sexed pullet chicks from our olive egger project. As with all internet purchases of hatching eggs hatch rates can not be guaranteed as there is no way to control the handling of eggs by the post office however our shipping includes free insurance up to 5000 by usps should the eggs be negligently damaged in transit by usps.
Les olive egger f1 recroisees avec du marans ou autre oeuf fonce de race nomme ci dessus donnera ce quon appelle du bc1 back cross. Our breeding is from pure cream legbar rooster over our pure welsummer to create a f1 olive egger. Olive eggers are a special project that we work on for egg color and are the only cross that we currently produce.
Mais il faut savoir que seuls 50 des poules issues de ce croisement pondront vert sans doute tres fonce. Meyer hatchery uses a variety of parent breeds to create several strains of olive eggers. F1 olive eggers green olive or brown eggs with olive genetics black longtails light creamwhite egg blue black and splash langshans light brown egg cream legbars blue to green eggs price is for 6 eggs.
They are created by crossing a dark brown egg layer with a blue egg layer. This will produce in the first generation some great olive colored eggs for your table. Kerri fortenberry chickens jolis oiseaux animaux et oiseaux beaux oiseaux animaux domestiques animaux mignons poulets de basse cour animaux de la ferme volaille poule d ornement.
Our f1 generation hybrids do typically lay an olive colored egg however the olive can be in various shades and the potential does exist to lay eggs of different colors such as tinted brown etc. Olive egger chickens a cross between a marans and an ameraucana lay gorgeous olive green eggs. Blue eggs are f1 olive eggers anything already green would be f2 f5 once shipped the care and handling of eggs is out of our control.
If you breed an f1 olive egger back to a dark egg layer you create a f2 olive egger which will hopefully lay a darker egg than her mother.
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